Thursday, 13 August 2015

Perfect weather for...

....snails! So it would seem!

I just popped down to the plot - yes in the pouring rain to water my green house tomatoes (I may have eaten a few while I was there), oh how I love that tomatoey greenhouse smell... anyway... While I was getting soaked I decided on a walk around the plot to check the other crops, well, why not? after all I was in my flip flops and my feet were soaked to the bone by this point anyway!
So I casually wandered up to the runner beans determined there wouldn't be MORE after the Avalanche that was tumbling down a few days ago, and hoorah! No beans! BUT there was a whole army of snail, army? What is the correct term for them? A gathering? A herd? A slime of snails maybe?

I picked off by my reckoning about 50 of the slithering suckers!! Why are they determined to munch my bean stalks to the ground?! Horrible little things!!

Here's a pic of a few, they've now been dispatched over the hedge, no doubt only to return another day.....

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