Friday, 14 August 2015

I just got carried away!

Well I went to the plot this afternoon with 2 jobs in mind - water the greenhouse tomatoes and dig up some spuds. 
Firstly I watered the tomatoes - tick! 

Secondly I pulled up the bolted lettuce and dug over the bed, then as I was getting dirty decided to put new edging around it. Then I spotted the untidy corner that annoys me every time I look at it - waterbutts and compost bins, it is now a weed free neat and easily accessible corner - nice. 

As the wheelbarrow was on the path I though I'd make use of it and weeded around my chillies, peppers, out door toms, pulled up the last of my red spring onions and dug that bed over... 2 wheel barrows of weeds!!! Isn't if amazing how fast things grow when we've had a drop of rain?

I stood back and admired my work and realised how much the grass on the edge of the paths had grown, and since my strimmer is out of string I used the hand shears to chop down the foot high grass.

My cape gooseberries which I didn't expect to grow seem to have taken off, I've never grown these before so it will be interesting watching them develop - they have a few flowers at the moment and quite unusual ones at that. 

After all that I decided to pack up, leaving the allotment without digging a single spud! There's always tomorrow I guess.


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